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Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Take time to rest. It's not going anywhere.

Educators work so hard

The one thing any educator will tell you is that we do not do this for the money. If you find one that does, give me their number.....we need to talk. Educators are always looking to find ways to best deliver material to their students. Even those educators that have somewhat given up, still put in effort to bring students their daily routines. Now, my philosophy is, if you are going to put forward any effort at all....why not make that effort produce the most positive and influential outcomes that you can. This is with anything in life. 

I would like to share with you a couple of examples that I found this past week as I focused on building my PLN (Personal Learning Network). I knew that I had a vacation coming up so I wanted to focus on some connectedness activities based on some things that I want to do over my vacation. Enjoy these examples of educators putting in that extra work.

First up, Claire Tamayo. Visit her YouTube page and like the videos if you think she is doing a great job. I have to admit, I was not sure that I was on board until I started to consider her audience. Watch the second YouTube video below and see how her students are orderly and on task. She has found a model that works for her and her students are getting much out of it. What are her EOG scores? I really don't care. She has her students on task, working in teams and challenging them to think on a higher level. 

If this approach is not your flavor, that's OK. Find what works for you. More importantly, find what works for your students. If you are going to put forward any effort, why not make it count?

My second example is one that you may already be familiar with. I spent some time reaching out and connecting with staff at Ron Clark Academy. This staff are using so many cool tools and engaging the students that they are serving. This approach may not work for all kids. The key is to place children in environments that they can be successful. How on earth could that ever look the same? 

Did you hear what the kids said about the school? In the video below, think about classroom space like Hope King's.

My Classroom Tour at the Ron Clark Academy 2015

Did you hear Hope say that she brought the chair from home because she is never there. She is always at work. How many educators feel that way, particularly those teachers in small private or charter schools. Educators work hard!

All work and no play.....take time to rest

As I was taking time to work through this weeks blog, I came across another great peace of advice.

Purposeful Rest

Twitter motivation

Sometimes we get so caught up in the moment that we forget to slow down and take a break. I believe that teachers can be some of the worse offenders of this. My thought today is...why? Given the technology that is available, all of the materials and tools that are already developed, why do we not share and glean necessary materials from others that would allow ourselves a moment to just take a purposeful rest. 

I cannot answer that question fully this week, as I am on vacation and have decided that I need to take a purposeful rest. I will not totally turn away from the things that are on my calendar, but I will most definitely work in some moments of peace and tranquility. I hope that you enjoy the videos and links that I have shared from this weeks work for my practicum. I sure have.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the reminder that rest is ok, necessary even. I love your focus on leveraging your PLN and taking advantage of incredible resources that are freely available to help us find time to rest. If you haven't visited the Ron Clark Academy, I highly recommend it. I've been twice, and both were life-altering experiences. It's one of the most powerful experiences I've ever been part of. Truly remarkable.
