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The Situation As I mentioned in one of my earlier blogs, being a small educational service business is an uphill battle. This is, in pa...

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Building a business in education.Good Luck!

Up against the wall

Anyone looking to build a business in education, I say to you good luck! I have been at this for some time now and I still love it just as much as I did twenty plus years ago. The only difference today is that I am no longer checking my 8oo number voicemail and calling students and parents to schedule hour long sessions at the Public Library, University study rooms, and anywhere else that I could keep my overhead down. Today's tutoring consist of Skype, Hangouts, E-lecta live and so many other virtual options. So one would think that my job has gotten easier, right? I am sad to say that the times of folk looking for a good quality tutor have gone cold. The big business of the Public Educational system has taken over and it continues to fight hard to monopolize all educational services. Money for non-profits and small businesses are very scarce. Parents are not willing to pay for services when they can get them for free. Regardless the quality of those services.

Here I am

I am not bitter and will never quit this endeavor that I have embarked upon. I am completing my second week of my practicum and continue to gain steam, resurrecting Mind Over Tutors. This practicum is a perfect culmination of many things for me.
  1. Completing graduate school with a degree in something that I love
  2. An opportunity to serve the community
  3. Operating a business that I would do for free
  4. Able to talk, share, and mentor
Although the landscape has changed and people care less and less about education (actions not words), I hold tremendous hope that technology will allow us to reinvigorate a community of people to strive for excellence again. It has to come from the community being served, not from those that want it for that specific community. 

My contributions this week

This has been an incredibly busy week. As I work to meet my August 15th deadline, I find myself up until 2am, working through new material for my virtual streams. Here are some samples from the week.

I took on two podcasts this week. I know that they are not great yet, but I have to start somewhere. I have no fear! Take a moment to listen and share with me your thoughts.

In doing the podcasts, I thought.....some people are visual learners and may need more. Therefore, I created YouTube videos to go along with my podcasts, just in case.

Mind Over Tutors will also be designing supplemental educational courses that will be accessible through our website. I posted a link for users to join and enjoy a free demo for an Algebra 2 course.

Like I said, this has been a busy week. I hope that if nothing else, you can see my passion and motivation for education. 

As I am discovering, the most difficult part of any business is building a client base and network. I spent lots of time on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube this week. I even created a series of 5 Vines videos for another class this week that was advertising for Mind Over Tutors. Check that out as well.

OK.....to wrap this all up, I would like to share with you Smore! This is another powerful and awesome tool that would great for students. I was able to design a very professional flyer with lots of details and information about the business.

Whew! I am tired.

Is it all worth it?

I think so. 

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